Schwarz Consultants is a boutique executive coaching and training firm. We specialize in communication and presentation training, leadership skills, and sales presentations.
Schwarz Consultants is a boutique executive coaching and training firm. We specialize in communication and presentation training, leadership skills, and sales presentations.
Executive Coaching
Learn | Implement | Succeed
Leverage your natural strengths to develop skills that move your career forward.
Uncover blind spots, gain a broader perspective, and build strong relationships.
““Donna’s approach to executive coaching brought me immediate benefits. Her ability to identify opportunities and strengths on both an emotional intelligence and behavioral level were game changing for me. Her insights continue to provide me with concrete, sustainable benefits, and I have a better understanding of how I think, how I process information, and what’s the best approach to resolve challenges.””
Our executive coaching is a structured process for making positive changes in your professional career. We focus on your objectives for success with measurable results that move the needle forward.
We help you to identify and leverage your natural strengths. You’ll develop behaviors that lead to ongoing improvements.
Executive Coaching
Coaching programs are 3 to 6 months in length with up to 4 meetings per month.
Structured Process
Complimentary introductory meeting
Measurable goals that align with corporate objectives
Confidential stakeholder interviews for insight into the critical issues
Midpoint joint meeting with supervisor and client—to accurately gauge process
Actionable Takeaways
Coaching commandments—list of lessons learned and actions for implementation
Tie-off meeting with company leadership
Written summary report with recommendations for continuing development